Monday, November 5, 2012

The Pizza Dough Recipe starts with a flour mixture which consists of the following:
6 cups of flour, (a mix of 4 cups of bread flour, 2 cups of all purpose flour or a mix of whole wheat flour and white flour), 1/2 cup of corn meal, 2 1/2 TB sugar, 1 1/2 TB salt, 1 1/2 TB baking powder. I place this in an ice cream tub to mix and to store. When making pizza, you use 3 cups of this mix at a time. I...
usually double the recipe and make 4 large pizzas so I can share with the neighbors when I make it.
To Make the pizza dough;
(I make 2 batches at a time in my Zojiroushi lage size breadmaker which will hold 6 cups of flour in making bread).
To the bread pan in the bread maker, I add the following:
(I will give the recipe for a single batch, which I double);
1 cup of water, 2 TB Vegtable oil or melted shortening, then add 3 cups of the above flour mixture, and 1/2 TB of dry yeast. I then use the 'dough' cycle to mix the ingredients. After the dough has finished mixing, let it rest on a lightly floured surface for approximately 15 mins. (This allows the dough to relax and is then easier to roll out and pull out into the pizza shape). I either use a pizza stone, or a pizza pan upon which to bake the pizza. If using a pizza stone, you need to place it into the oven on the lowest rack setting and pre-heat the stone WITH the oven at 400 - 425 degrees. Place a sheet of parchment paper on a pizza pan, or cookie sheet, (about the size of the pizza stone). I oil it with olive oil and sprinkle corn meal on the paper. I then 'create' the pizza , rolling out the dough and shaping it , add the sauce, cheese and meat if desired. By using the parchment paper I can easily slide it onto the pizza stone and then back off the stone after it is done baking for about 15 - 20 mins. or so. :)

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