Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Saving Seeds For Next Year's Planting

SAVING SEEDS FOR NEXT YEAR'S PLANTING; In using heirloom, open pollinated type seeds, you can actually save seed from your plants to grow a crop the following year ..or two or three! (Much longer if you choose to keep the seed in your freezer). Let the plants finish growing. Remove the seeds from the plant or produce and place in water for approximately 3 days. You are allowing the seeds to ferme nt thus removing the protective coating on the seeds. Seeds won't be able to germinate through this protective coating. You may remove the scum from the top of the water if desired during these 3+ days. I cover the top of the jars with a coffee filter rubber banded to the jar. On the coffee filter I first write what the seeds are and the date. The coffee filter allows the air to circulate into the jar. The fermenting water / seeds will not smell good! :) After the seeds have separated from the scum, pour into a stainer and run water through the strainer/ seeds to rinse the scum off of the seeds. Place the seeds on paper towel, waxed paper, or other to throughly dry them. I place them onto the coffee filter that was used on the top of the jar which is already marked with the name and date of the seeds. This allows them to dry for storage. You can store the seeds in a sandwich bag marked with name of seeds and date, or glass jars, or in the freezer.

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