Wednesday, November 7, 2012

More Good Tips From Friends - Thank You!

Place a rubberband across the opening of an open paint can. You can pull the paint brush across the rubber band, after loading it with paint, and the paint will drop back into the paint can and the edges of your paint can will stay clean. I have also been told that you can po...
ke a few small holes into the edge of the paint can where the lid fits down in the groove. The lid, when closed, closes off these holes. The holes, when the lid is open drains back into the paint can.
Store your paint cans upside down and not on the cement basement floor. To remove any lumps from the paint after it sits for quite awhile, place a nylon stocking over the opening in the paint can and pour through the stocking / panty hose into a paint pan, (it will strain the paint).
A stocking placed over the end of a vaccume cleaner hose will allow you to pick up small items that you wouldn't want to go up into the hose.
To clean a shower head, place the shower head into a baggie filled with white vinegar, (heated works well), and attach it to the shower head holder / attachment with rubber bands. Leave this at least overnight to work. This will clean the scale from the shower head cleaning it.
A shampoo bottle with part of a side and the top removed removed, the other side left but cut so as to leave the bottom attached and the tall side cut with a hole near the top will allow a plug from a plug in device, (such as a cell phone), to go through the hole and plug into the outlet. The rest of the bottle will hang down from the plug and you can insert the phone, or device to be charged, into the base of the shampoo bottle which will hold it for you.
You can make a similar one out of an empty milk jug and fit the hole over the spout on a large drink container, (as in 5 gallon), to catch the drips at a party.
A pop tab has two holes in it. You can fit the top hole over one of your hangers in your clothes closet and a 2nd hanger in the remaining pop tab hole. This can double the space in a small closet.
You can paint the top half of your keys different colors with fingernail polish to be able to tell your keys apart!
By cleaning out an empty suntan lotion bottle and cutting off the top of the contain in a matter that you could fit it back together, you can use it at the beach to hide your cell phone, money and keys in your beach bag.
You can carefully use toothpaste to clean hazy car headlights to clear them.
If the rounded button type thingy that pokes through the bottom, from the top of your flip-flop sandals, (we use to call them thongs way back in our days!), pulls through the bottom, because the hole in the bottom has enlarged, use one of the plastic flat bread wrapper type closers, around the stem of the button after it pokes through the bottom, just above the button.
You can use a can opener to open blister packs and avoid cutting yourself.
Use a hanging door shoe rack, (cloth with pockets), and store your cleaning supplies on the back of a locked basement door to organize and store them away from children.
Use a foam pool noodle, (or two!) under a fitted sheet on a bed to block in a toddler to help them from rolling over out of bed, onto the floor.
If you have been saving toilet paper rolls and not knowing what to use them on ... make a cuff by slitting them open down the length of the empty roll and use it on a roll of wrapping paper, (Christmas wrap), to keep it from unrolling.
A walnut meat can be rubbed on wooden furniture to cover up dings.
You can use a staple remover, using the pointed ends to push into a key ring to open it to enable you to add or remove keys.
If you have a bucket to fill with water and a sink that is too small for the bucket to fit, and you don't have a tub to use to fill the bucket , nor an outside hose!, AND ...if you have a dustpan that is the kind that clips onto the handle of a broom, place the wide part of the dust pan under the facuet and the handle directing the water out over the sink edge, into the bucket, being funneled through the handle of the dustpan.

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