Sunday, December 15, 2013

New Spiced Apple Drink

Recently our children Jenny and Justin discovered a drink that they felt tasted a lot like Snapple 'Apple Pie', (which isn't carried in our area any more).  At Wal-Mart they found "Old Orchard" brand, "Limited Edition Apple Pie Flavored Juice Drink From Concentrate". "With a hint of vanilla and cinnamon".  We bought some and brought it home. They enjoyed it so much that on a return trip to Wal-Mart, I bought 8 more bottles of the drink as Thanksgiving was over and it's fate was doomed.  Today while working in the kitchen I thought I would try it. YUCK! The taste wasn't bad, but Boy was it Watery! It was like drinking water that apples might have been washed in, that was about the amount of taste in it.  So, since I had a 64 oz. bottle of "Great Value", (Wal-Mart) 100 % Apple Juice, I added spice and made up my own 'heartier" version of the Old Orchard brand drink.  My daughter tasted mine, then tasted the commercial one and told me that I had ruined it!  She meant the commercial one! She said it doesn't taste any good anymore!!  My son asked me why I had added water to the Old Orchard brand!! Now they want to know if I can 'fix' the commercial brand!  I guess my new recipe passed the test!