I worked staining the cabinet with 'Special Walnut' Tripp Carver Wipe on stain in the middle of the living room while it snowed outside. Roger worked on moving the light switch to an area I will be able to reach.
The light over the washer and dryer unit will need to by-pass the light switch behind the new cabinet to the area near the other light switch. Good thing we made the wall removable there! :0)
And Roger did a very nice job.
See? It is a very sturdy cabinet! That's why we like old furniture and home-made ones. You can stand, or sit, on them!
Nice job Roger! :0)
After staining all of the pieces, I coated them with High-Build Polyurethane, finishing up about midnight.

My plan to sand lightly and re-coat in the morning changed somewhere about 3 AM when I awoke with a very bad headache, a very bad sore throat and a slight pain on the right side of the middle of my chest. I woke up Roger who told me that he also had a bad headache. FUMES. I quickly opened our bedroom and kitchen windows, turned on all of the ceiling fans and awoke both kids to see if they were having any headaches. They weren't so I informed them that in the event that they started having any ill effects that they were to wake me up. I went back to bed breathing in the cold fresh 33 degree air from the open window next to me. It felt good and after about 30 mins. of watching tv my headache went away. I asked Rog if his had gone away, but he still had his headache. It was nice and warm under the quilts and we slept with the windows open the rest of the night. This morning the headaches were gone, as was the pain and the sore throat. We had errands to run this morning so we left the windows open and when we got back we noticed that the smell had gone away some.
So now our cabinets are mostly all coated once in polyuretnae, (but only one side of the shelves and none of the appliance garage). :0(
So, after some debate and no forecast of suddenly quite warm unseasonable weather outside, I decided to have Roger and the kids assemble the cabinet top as is. We will attempt to use it until it is warm enough OUTSIDE to top coat, (and finish), the polyurethane-ing.